We obsess over electrolytes for hydration, Vitamin C for immunity and Collagen for dewy skin - and now, the wellness world has turned its attention to Magnesium. But is it worth the hype? Is it the unsung hero of wellness? Should we swipe right?
Struggling to switch off at night? Tossing, turning and counting way too many imaginary sheep? Magnesium might be the missing piece of your sleep-related puzzle.
Did you know that most people who start new habits have quit by day 19, and it makes you wonder… Why is that?
If you’re struggling with hormone imbalances - heavy or painful periods, mood swings, weight gain, irregular periods, acne - you’re not alone. Nearly 90% of women in the UK struggle with PMS-type symptoms and a significant proportion of women are...
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When it comes to supplements, it’s important to choose a high quality one, containing sufficient dose for its intended benefits. Women also have individual supplement requirements. But which supplements have been proven to be of benefit?
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