Sunday Smoothie Bowl

Want brunch that’s going to fill you up but ceebs to go out? Something healthy that’ll fill you up, get you all the right nutrients to fuel you throughout the day? @fruitsandroutes has got your back with this Free Soul Sunday Smoothie Bowl
Using a base of oats, ground flaxseed and Free Soul protein powder, this smoothie bowl is both delicious and nutritious. You can experiment with different flavour combinations and tailor it to suit your tastebuds and requirements, making it versatile and adaptable. It's super quick to make too! -
Servings: 1 bowl
- 🥣Smoothie bowl base
* 1 scoop Free Soul protein powder (25g)
* 1 small banana, frozen in chunks (65g) 🍌
* 2 tbsp porridge oats (10g)
* 2 tbsp ground flaxseed (15g)
* 200 ml mylk of choice (almond ismy favourite)
* A pinch of sea salt
- 🥣For the gingerbread version⬇
* Add some ground ginger, to taste
- 🥣For the chocolate gingerbread version⬇
* Use Free Soul chocolate protein powder and add some ground ginger
For the chocolate version⬇
* Use Free Soul chocolate protein powder
1. Place all the ingredients in your blender and blend on a medium setting until smooth.
3. Pour into a bowl, top and enjoy! It's that simple. Place in the freezer for a few minutes if you want it thicker and colder. -
#FreeSoulSistas #FuelledByFreeSoul
**At Free Soul, your wellbeing is our priority, and although we pride ourselves on our expertise in women's health and wellbeing, it is important to acknowledge the individuality of each person. Features published by Free Soul are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease, or replace the advice of your GP. We always recommend consulting with a healthcare provider if you encounter any health concerns, and we’ll always be here to support you so you’re never alone on your journey.