Free Soul Chocolate Protein Mousse

Delicate glass on a wooden board filled with vanilla smoothie and dark berries

Free Soul Chocolate Protein Mousse by @3eggs1basket, perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert 🍨👌🏻 tbh, it’s perfect for any time of the day, it’s deeelish plus you already know you’re getting in all the benefits of protein & the minerals and vits we blend into our base 💅 recipe & macros below: - ⚖
317 calories

30g protein

4g fat

35g carbohydrates 

30g porridge oats
2 scoops Free Soul Chocolate protein
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
200 ml milk (of your choice) -

Warm summer berries

Place all the ingredients, except the toppings into a blender and blitz until thick and fluffy. Warm the frozen berries in the microwave for a minute. Scoop the thick mousse into a pot and top with your summer berries. Delicious and so refreshing for summer! 😍
# FuelledByFreeSoul

**At Free Soul, your wellbeing is our priority, and although we pride ourselves on our expertise in women's health and wellbeing, it is important to acknowledge the individuality of each person. Features published by Free Soul are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease, or replace the advice of your GP. We always recommend consulting with a healthcare provider if you encounter any health concerns, and we’ll always be here to support you so you’re never alone on your journey.